Hello! Welcome to our family and my thoughts/ramblings. We will keep you up to date on Sean, Anne, Carolyn and myself. Of course, Buddy, our Golden Retriever. Enjoy and feel free to comment.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey, its ...... Wade. Again!

Hey y'all. I hope everyone is enjoying Spring. Some of you are cool and breezy. Some of you are snow skiing. Some of you are extra wet from the rain. And some are wet from the beach and/or fun in the sun. But as Jim Rohn states, "wherever you are, be there." So many times we miss the fun and crazy times wishing we were somewhere else or doing something more. When its easier to just be where we are. Like I have all the answers? No, way. I'm just trying like the rest of you. My kids in my class are all good kids. I have to get on to them for talking too much but who didn't when we were in school. But all of them are easy to get along with and talk to. I have really enjoyed my extra time I spend each week with just 2 of them at a time for lunch. Just me and them. Talking. Laughing. Taking time to listen to them. Wouldn't it be great to just spend some extra time with God. Talking. Laughing. Listening. Crying if we need to. As this world closes in on us and it does and tries harder each and every day, God is calling for intimacy with Him. I don't mean to be preaching, I'm just talking out loud and you just happen to be here as I ramble.

Family --
I get emails from family members I don't get to see anymore, hopefully soon. hint! But anyway its good to see what kind of messages they pass along and find important. As I get older, 41 this year. My hair is turning loose rather than turning gray, but it will never be the "combover." As I get older, I get more sentimental. Maybe its a Lane trait, I don't know. But I find myself thinking about Grandpa Ode, my namesake. It would have been nice to sit and talk instead of being wrapped up with what I wanted. I was too young to know the difference. I think what kind of legacy I'm passing on to Sean and Anne. I want them to have kinship with family. But more important the kinship with God. I have to admit, reluctantly, I do enjoy North Carolina. I'm still a Kansas boy at heart. But its a lot easier to get to the beach or the mountains from here than from back home. We have a wonderful church and wonderful pastor who cares for his flock. I'm trying to go on a short-term missions trip to Zambia with World Hope. Ever since Dr. Joann Lyons visited our church and spoke about orphans with AIDS, it has been a burden on my heart. Only God knows when and if I go.

I better sign off for now, feel free to comment. Love you all.

Being here,



Carrie said...

Hey, thanks for posting your blog address on your facebook page!

I had to laugh when I read the comb-over comment. Robert says the same thing, except there's nothing really there to comb over!

Rob and Deanna said...

HI Wade! Good to "hear" from you & catch up on your family. I didn't notice before that you have a Sean. Our youngest is Sean William, we have given each of our children Irish names. Sean is the Gaelic for Rob's dad's name & William is Rob's middle name. (not sure why I just gave you all that info, but....anyway there you have it...:-) Hi Caroline, enjoyed "seeing" you too & your beautiful children!

Kim Davis said...

Hello! Wade and Caoline! It is good to keep up with everyone from the Hilltop! I updated my website today www.freewebs.com/kimberlydavis Have a great day!

Teresa said...

Hi Wade and Caroline, It's great to see you guys on here. I have enjoyed reading about the lives of all the friends I made at GBS.
By the way you do have beautiful children!

Maggie said...

Hi there...I found your blog while roaming around. Nice to see you on here:)